Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 16

Net Calories: 1120 

Today was a GREAT for health. I went the whole morning not eating anything sweet. All because of breakfast. I've felt so much better today because of it. Less hungry, more alert, productive, and positive!

Also, POINTER TO ALL P90Xers: Distract yourself with other things while working out. Lately I've been watching reruns of TV shows I like. Since I'm already getting sick of Tony's jokes it helps distract me from the monotony. Don't watch anything new or you'll get into it. But just have a little bit of something to interest you can give the distraction you need while doing wall squats and jap/cross!

candy 40
soup 250
salad 280
bread and butter 300
Pizza and wings 700
Smoothie 150
TOTAL: 1720

Exercise  P90X -600 Calories
Chest and Back
Shoulders and Arms
Legs and Back
Kenpo- this video for sure makes me sweat the hardest. I don't know why but it's amazing to me. I'm working hard and just in the zone from it! Can't wait to do it again! 

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